Carving out an identity in a competitive market. Setting performance and behavior standards. Articulating a vision your team can buy into and most importantly, execute. All while watching the bottom line. Do you need anything else to keep you up at night? There are ways to quickly focus your efforts and achieve your goals. Change can be a good thing. Business Coaching Services from Modern Images Marketing can help.
Our Salient Focus™ Planning Process was designed for one reason – to strategically focus your efforts on achieving your goals in the most efficient and productive way possible. And yes, you should have some fun in the process as well. After all, it’s your dream. Why not begin to live it? We offer a full range of Business Coaching Services for everyone from the Young Business Professional to the Aspiring Execute or Political Pro. Advance your career today with Coaching, Speaking or Workshop engagements from Modern Images Marketing.
There is a school of thought which says new products are the lifeblood of any organization. And that having a solid pipeline of new offerings is the key to long term success. This is no longer the whole truth. Customers to put it mildly have choices. Why should they buy from you? Further, employees have choices. Why should they work for you? If you are thinking the common ingredient here is YOU, you have been paying attention. The question is, are your customers and employees paying attention to you? That’s the value of leadership. We can help you stand out from the crowd and get the results you envisioned.
Discuss why the New Four P’s are they key to driving a business in the 21st Century, the Information Age – They focus on How vs. What. If traditionally you focus on Place in the same breath as you focus on Product, you have limited your strategic options immediately with an old world view of segmentation. More than your target market is paying attention. The New Four P’s embraces the How, leads to the Why and expands the buying opportunities and influence opportunities of anyone who interacts with your brand. (Include BPI)
According to Sue Fox, Etiquette is the art of making people feel comfortable around you. At Modern Images, we agree. No one likes a “Bull in a China Shop”! There is always something to learn here. We focus on what we call Situational Etiquette – When you have to “Parachute” into a situation and function with Grace and Class. Avoid costly mistakes. We can help you be better prepared.
There has never been a better time to provide excellent in-person customer service. Modern Images originally developed the Salient Focus concept in 2006 to help Salon and Spa Service Providers and Front Desk Staff succeed in one of the most intimate customer service environments in the world – The Hair Salon. The type of nuanced sensitivity to customer needs is extended in this program and made available to all industries whose success is predicated on exceptional customer interactions.
Do you have clients who could benefit from Leadership and Image Coaching? Do they need to develop better “On Stage” skills? The impact of the message to the media is often only as good as the messenger who delivered it. We can help identify and groom key spokespersons in your client’s organization to become the polished thought leaders, managers and visionaries you could only dream of.
Modern Images Marketing partners with Verasoft, an international Software and IT company to help you deliver the best customer experience possible. We can automate your entire customer interaction chain. You, your staff and your customers will simply be amazed.
Ready to go beyond using Facebook and Twitter to run your business? Get a professionally designed WordPress site up and running in days or supercharge your website with Shopping Cart and scheduling features from Verasoft. Control your image and publish your photos, blog posts and videos for all the world to see.
Have an idea but aren’t sure how to bring it to life? You bring the drive and determination and we’ll do the plan. Every great idea needs wind beneath its wings, but it also needs stable landing gear to go the distance under all conditions. We can help develop something to help you spur investment and get your dream to market.
Social Media is one of the best methods used today to get attention for your brand. And while the photos and blog posts might look dramatic, what really distinguishes this marketing method is the ability to measure detailed performance. You can build a following, create advocacy and build a demographic profile of your target market all with one marketing tactic. Modern Images Marketing can help you build a Social Media Strategy; Assess and train you on the effective tools in use; and even manage the content for you. Get up, get seen and get down to business with Social Media Marketing.
Modern Image Marketing can be your full value added service partner when it comes to Business Coaching Services.
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