This is the time of year when we typically say goodbye to all those who we lost during the year. But this year was different. Dramatically so. I will simply show four Stars, great lights, Icons who inspired me. We all can list many more. In fact this year, there are almost too many to list. We are at a loss but perhaps there is a light to be seen here and learned from.
Modern Images is an organization whose aim is to teach you to realize that you are who you think you are, and thereby you are who you want to be. And can become such.
You are the image you show the world. Your true identity? Only you know that as they did, but your image… is what you put forward everyday. It is your vehicle which you parade before the world and use to build a life.
These true Icons of our age epitomized Image. Their ups, their downs, their struggles, their victories, but they all had one thing in common. They realized, early on that all the world is a stage. May they all live on in our memories and inspire us to become all that we can be, and to live our lives on our own terms.
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