Just Ask and make Time work for you
Time is a trick of the mind. Setup for us to keep score, a tally of our Progress. A choice we made to help keep us sane. The correct view of time is simply the medium in which we ” take the time ” to act.
Anyone of adult age has enough of it in their life to “Get things done”. Parents have all at one point or another told their children “You had all the time in the world to get that done”. Steven Covey does a now famous demonstration of fitting everything in to a glass jar. Time, like a canvass or a sculpture has the most value when it is organized. Organization becomes a thing of Beauty.
If you “run out of time” for a Particular activity it merely means you did not Properly Prepare and Prioritize the activity within your choices between Potential Probabilities. The bottom line is you Probably did not think and visualize the outcome as being Possible.
Some of the greatest innovations and discoveries in history were quite literally done “Outside” of this “natural” phenomenon. Great minds such as Da Vinci, Newton, Hughes and Tesla worked with literally no regard to for it. Their Salient Focus was only on their Goal.
Ask more out of Life. Expand your sense of Possibilities, and Time will accommodate your dreams.
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