You can have all the education and technical skills in the world, but if you do not have a personal style that lends itself to acceptance and getting things done, you are limiting your opportunities in life. The more people feel comfortable around you, the more doors will open. Confidence in you comes from two factors: Style and Results. Demonstrate that you can do it with Style and the sky is the limit.
That’s where we come in. Our experience comes from an eclectic background in:
We have helped many people improve their Image and become on-stage stars. Sometimes it’s the sizzle that sells the steak. We want to give you both, so you can define your own success in your own terms and feel good about it in the process. Your investment in Personal Coaching Services from Modern Images can lead you to the “next step”, and above all, peace of mind. Your journey to a better life begins here.
Your image is your vehicle of personality you drive from point A to point B in this life. You use it to represent yourself in pursuit of your goals. It is your best stand in, even though it is not you. It is your advocate, a tool you use to get what you want. It should never be confused with your identity, but for most it is the basis of what they feel their existence to be. In Image Coaching, we take a look at your total image and help you adjust, enhance and improve it to help you more effectively pursue goals and thrive on the stage of life. Your true Image is important in that it goes beyond the superficial. And like anything in life, it can always use polishing from time to time. Want to know more about Image Coaching? We think This Article sums it up pretty well.
Everyone at times finds themselves in places in their lives where they did not expect to be. That’s Life. Sometimes you need a guide, a Sherpa to help you find your way back on the freeway of life. Sometimes there are decisions that need to be made. Sometimes these decisions ideally could have been made in the past and sometimes it might seem as though the wall in front of you is so high that it will be impossible to climb. That’s OK. We can help you look at the situation differently and uncover solutions and ways forward that you might not have been able to imagine yourself. We then help you bundle your solution into a new self Image you can take with you as you get back on the road of life. The most famous Life Coach without a doubt is Tony Robbins.
Great question! We give a short answer Here, in our Blog, but let’s expand on each for a moment…
We think of Life Coaching in a way similar to the way the medical profession typically thinks of an injury. You break a bone, you get a cast, and your break heals up. Single problem, single solution. Simple and to the point. There is a lot of value there as is in Life Coaching. Take care of the point of discomfort or anxiety or offer encouragement and motivation in pursuit of a goal. Life Coaching often helps you see a situation from a different viewpoint. A different perspective often leads to new ways of tackling a challenge. Why bang your head against a wall… by yourself, when you can get a new point of view that might just make a wholesale change in your life?
Image Coaching is a little bit different by our definition and and also by others who practice it. We us the phrase “On Stage” a lot at Modern Images. This reflects our point of view that like it or not, we are all under much more intense scrutiny in our daily personal and professional lives. First Impressions, Lasting Impressions and everything else in between matter. A bad experience by a colleague, hiring manager, your date or anyone you encounter can have lasting implications for your life and career. Now, is anyone perfect? Of course not. But this does not mean you should neglect areas of concern. At Modern Images Marketing, we use a process we call Salient Focus. It’s just that. We figure out quickly what your goal is and help you shore up your Personal Image in pursuit of it. This process may include Coaching and Development in:
Didn’t know all that was part of your Image did you? You ARE the total package. Now. Here is the good news: With Modern Images Marketing, you get both.
You express your Life through your Image and you use your Image to get the Life you want. Your Image and your Life are inseparable. Therefore we focus on your Image to Coach you in your Life. For Focus IS Life.
We recognize everyone is coming from different stages in life. We will happily apply a mix of the best techniques to Help you achieve your Dreams.