How do prepare the youth of today for the challenges of the real world? The highly structured workplace has faded away in some cases to a distant memory. Mentoring programs have achieved spotty results and the demands of Test First, Teach Later have left our Youth – Our Leaders of Tomorrow with little in the way of skills for dealing with real world professional relationships. Are you willing to leave the social education of the youth and college population under the “wise” care of TV Reality shows? We would rather offer an alternative instead. Modern Images can present Youth Programs which give them an introduction to Good Image Skills and their importance in life. Get them thinking early on making proper choices which will produce lifetime benefits.
Talk about formative years! This is where future leaders are made. Counseling Departments and Career Placement Departments take note: You can dramatically increase the chances of academic, career and life success of your students by giving them a firm grounding in Image Management. We can also help infuse a unique lifelong imprint of your institution on your graduates. Help develop your future ambassadors while you are developing the leaders of the future.
So many voices and the one with the loudest megaphone usually wins. Sorry, but oftentimes it’s not the parents. Years ago, there used to be what were known as “Finishing Schools”. They helped imbue youth with the social skills required to be successful in “Polite Society”. Now, they have Social Media. Let us help you break through the noise with structured workshops to get the message through on what it takes to be a valued and responsible member of society.